Friday 28 April 2017

5 Things we learned from Total Divas (Season 6, Episode 14)From dancing at Bulgarian weddings to Dancing with the Stars, this episode had it all.

By on April 28, 2017

Lana gets dipped in water, for her second wedding with Rusev
Say what you want about Total Divas, but the premise in itself is quite compelling. It primarily showcases beautiful people in breathtaking locations. This week alone was shot in two different countries, two cities in the United States and one in Bulgaria, where Rusev and Lana went to celebrate their second wedding. It was impossible to decide if the stars looked better or the locations did!
Needless to say, Kevin Dunn seems much more at home in a scripted environment than with the sudden cutaways to the crowd on Monday Night Raw. Whether or not you're a fan of the show, we recommend you read this countdown. It shows your favourite stars in a different light.

#5 Bulgarian wedding traditions are very different indeed

Lana was in for a shock, at her second wedding
It’s every girl's dream to get married in the perfect fashion, right? However, every culture has its own wedding traditions, and some customs may vary from country to country, across the world. Bulgarian weddings, for instance, are not like American ones at all. The bride is first rinsed with a tub of water (as shown in the picture above), and there is a ceremony that involves the groom finding the bride's shoe, and the couple ultimately releases pigeons into the sky. Sounds glamorous? Not for Lana.

Lana was shocked to learn about some of these traditions and especially aghast to find that she could not pick her own bridesmaid for her own wedding. Natalya, our favourite cat-loving heel, had to come in and tell her not to be as headstrong as she is and to enjoy the biggest day of her life. The Ravishing Russian heeded her words, and the event was a success. Rusev Lana machka!

#4 Eva Marie’s dad has not been well

Eva Marie tried to get her dad to turn his life around, on this episode of Total Divas
Eva Marie’s dad was diagnosed when colon cancer when she was just 15 years of age. Ever since then, while his cancer never went away, his habits haven't been healthy. The show revealed that he’s a regular smoker, he does not eat healthily and does not even want to retire, at his advanced age.
In this episode, Eva tried to get him to change his habits only to discover that her dad is just as headstrong as she is. We know that Marie is universally despised in the professional wrestling fraternity, but after watching this show and realising that it is based on real events, you cannot help but feel sorry for 'All Red Everything’.

#3 Cena/The Bellas were an important part of the Teen Choice Awards

Brie and Nikki are important ambassadors for WWE, outside the ring.
We all know that WWE is constantly looking to expand its market, by tapping into the mainstream media. This week, we learned that John Cena and the Bella Twins were an important part of the 2016 Teen Choice Awards.
John Cena was the host of the show, whereas Nikki and Brie were presenters for Choice Movie: Breakout Star. Moreover, The Bella Twins had also been nominated for ‘Choice Female Athlete’. One tends to undermine their importance to the company, but these three are all integral components of the WWE.

#2 Nikki Bella chose professional wrestling over ‘Dancing With the Stars.'

Nikki Bella turned down a really huge mainstream offer, to return to SmackDown 
This week, we learned that Nikki Bella’s injury really did affect her. Her time away from the ring is when The Four Horsewomen made their presence felt, and Nikki was itching to return and make her mark once again. Just before she could, she was offered a chance to be part of ‘Dancing With the Stars’.
However, Nikki trusted her gut and turned it down for yet another run with the company, which proved to be one that we’ve loved with all our hearts. We don’t know if her Wrestlemania proposal was her last in-ring appearance, but if so, total respect!

#1 John Cena shared his success mantra

John Cena is far more judicious with work than one may believe
Sometimes, it seems like John Cena does everything. Certainly, his promos seem to indicate as much when he brags about going from appearance to appearance to help the company he’s been loyal to, for so many years. However, this week on Total Divas, Cena indicated that he is successful because he does not try to do everything.
He is very judicious with work and asked Nikki to do the same when she had to decide on whether to return to the ring or appear on Dancing With the Stars. Ultimately, she made the right choice, and the episode ended on a happy note for everyone.

All's well that ends well

Until the next time! See you all soon!

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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