Sunday 30 April 2017

WWE Payback 2017: Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe

By on April 30, 2017

WWE Payback 2017 Results April 30th 2017, 

A surprisingly good PPV!

Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe

Joe and Rollins have been feuding since Joe attacked Rollins on the January 30th episode of RAW. Their match tonight started off at a slow pace before ascending into a fury of moves and counters. Rollins hit Joe with multiple suicide dives before the sadistic Joe targeted Seth’s injured knee as he as getting back into the ring.
Joe followed it up with a suicide dive of his own before continuing to work on Seth’s injured knee, hitting his knee with a senton. Seth tried to fight back with knife-edged chops but Joe planted him in the corner and hit him with an enzeguiri. Joe followed it up with a series of jabs before Seth tried to fight back again.
He connected with a superkick before bringing Joe down with a neckbreaker. Rollins then headed to the rope and dived towards Joe who caught him in midair and hit him with a kneecapper. Joe then locked in a knee bar but Rollins reached the ropes.
Joe followed it up with a Powerbomb which he transitioned into a Texas Cloverleaf. Seth somehow reached the ropes and finally got a little momentum behind him. He dodged a senton from Joe before connecting with a Superkick.
Rollins then went to the top rope and Joe met him there. Seth went for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb but his knee didn’t hold up, so he hit a Falco Arrow for the 2-count instead. Rollins followed it up with a beautiful Frog Splash for the nearfall.
Joe took back control, turning Rollins inside out with a clothesline, before looking to lock in the Coquina Clutch. Rollins somehow rolled Joe over as looked to get Rollins to tap and he somehow managed to get a 3-count. The stunned look on Joe’s face said it all.

Seth Rollins def. Samoa Joe

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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