Thursday 27 April 2017

5 WWE moves that hurt hell in real life.

By on April 27, 2017

5 WWE moves that hurt like hell in real life


Nakamura has a devastating finisher
Despite what many trolls on the internet choose to believe, the pain involved in professional wrestling is incredibly real and if you still don’t have that line of thought, go and ask one of the many legends that had to retire due to their injuries. It’s a stressful business, with one of the main sources of that coming from the physical toll that it takes on your body.
Because of this, WWE has aired “don’t try this at home” videos for years and years now in order to try and encourage fans against hitting their siblings with steel chairs. Of course, the majority of people decided to ignore these pleas and executed several moves without a care in the world. Big, big mistake.
You see as it turns out, some of the manoeuvres that we see on a weekly basis just aren’t as family friendly as they come across to the haters of pro wrestling. So, to those of you who still don’t believe in the trials and tribulations that this industry possesses, we encourage you to watch videos across the web entitled “WWE Moves Gone Wrong”. Now we aren’t entirely certain that these clips exist, but still – you get the point.
So with all that being said, here are five WWE moves that hurt like hell in real life.

                                                                                   #1 Kinshasa

Shinsuke Bomaye!
Good god all mighty, is there any man on earth who could survive a Kinshasa and live to tell the tale? The logical answer is yes, but we’re confident that every single person who’s taken this has woke up the next morning with what feels like the worst hangover of all time. Oh, and if you don’t know what it is, it’s pretty much just a massive knee to the head.
As the King of Strong Style, it wouldn’t be as impactful if it didn’t deliver some actual force or pain to the opponent, which is why we’re surprised that WWE has trusted Nakamura when it comes to doing it. Then again, he’s a professional who has being doing this for well over a decade, so what do we know?

Rusev crush.

#3 Curb Stomp

The Curb Stomp was banned in 2015
The Curb Stomp, by nature, is a vicious finisher that was probably one of the only modern day wrestling moves that was converted from something that actually existed before being adapted to the squared circle. That, in itself, should tell you all you need to know about why this one was banned and why it hurts so much in real life.

Being curb stomped is pretty much the ultimate act of pain and humiliation, with the person on the receiving end likely being forced to receive a great deal of medical attention. Obviously, it looked cool whenever Rollins did it, but we believe that Vinnie Mac made the right call when it came to banning Seth from utilising the move on WWE television.

This next one is a tad awkward.

#4 Crossface

The Crossface has now been adopted by several wrestlers
Yes, this move is commonly linked to Chris Benoit, but he’s not the only man to use this finisher, and he won’t be the last. For years now, other Superstars have been making the Crossface their own, with the likes of Cesaro and Triple H pulling it out of the bag on multiple occasions. The reason? Because it looks really bloody painful.
Pulling your hands back across the face and nose of your opponent isn’t something that we imagine they look forward to, and it’s a move that has actually proved deadly when used by fans of WWE in the past. So if you’re looking for the moral of the story here, then it’s simply this: please make sure you’re a trained professional before imitating things on the TV. It may save lives – literally.
It's time to play the game.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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