Thursday 27 April 2017

5 WWE superstars who should be sent back to developmental

By on April 27, 2017

5 WWE superstars who should be sent back to developmental

These 5 men and women will benefit from a trip back down to NXT.

How did some of these guys ever make it out of developmental?
Triple H's brainchild, NXT, has proven to be a hotbed for the next generation of top WWE main roster talents with the likes of The Shield, The Wyatt Family, The Four Horsewomen, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and countless others using the developmental brand as a springboard to greatness.
But, this isn't the case for everyone. There are a number of superstars on the main roster today who have just not lived up to the buzz they generated during their days in developmental. We have already seen the likes of Adam Rose fail and fade away into obscurity because they haven't been able to make the transition.
Looking at someone like Bray Wyatt, who used the developmental system to shed his Husky Harris persona and become the enigmatic cult leader he is today, it is clear that going back to the minor leagues can actually reinvigorate a career.
So, without any further ado, here are 5 WWE superstars who should be sent back to developmental:

                           #5 Curt Hawkins

It’s time to face the facts: Hawkins doesn’t belong on the main roster
As impossible as it may be to believe, Curt Hawkins has been hanging around in the WWE for more than a decade, apart from a couple of years away. Debuting as part of Edge's La Familia Entourage back in 2007, Hawkins has never been the most consistent performer.
Well, that’not true. You can count on him to consistently lose and be jobbed out week after week which is exactly what's been happening for quite some time now. Despite his mildly amusing non-wrestling gimmick at the start of his run on SmackDown LIVE, Hawkins has done nothing of note.

Despite being a ten year veteran of the business, he could use a trip back to NXT to work on a gimmick which will get him over with the fans. There is no doubt that the man has some talent, and with some serious work in developmental, he can be a solid mid-card worker.

#4 Titus O'Neil

Just go away, Titus. Please.
When you look like Titus O'Neil and still don't get pushed by Vince McMahon, you know there's something wrong. After all, he does fit the prototype for what Vince loves in a wrestler – large and muscular. Unfortunately, his deficiencies far outweigh his looks.
Titus is a below average wrestler, and his promo skills are truly atrocious. Seriously, he has cut some of the worst promos ever. Take a look at this:
O'Neil could very well use some extended time in NXT to work on his wrestling skills and more importantly, his promo skills. If Titus ever gets to the point where he can get the skills to match his looks, then we might have a solid superstar on our hands.                                                                                                                                                                                                #3 Curtis Axel
He’s the son of Mr Perfect, for Christ’s sake!
Curtis Axel is best known as a jobber on WWE these days and as a part of The Nexus when they made their explosive main roster debut years ago. But, what most people don’t seem to realise is that Axel is actually the son of Mr Perfect Curt Hennig and grandson of The Axe Larry Hennig. The man is wrestling royalty.

If he was given the opportunity to own those roots and flaunt them in front of the WWE Universe, there is an excellent chance he will be someone worth watching instead of yet another glorified jobber. The perfect place to do that is NXT.
It will give him the perfect platform to change up his image in front of an audience that loves and respects the accomplishments of his lineage. He could go to NXT as Curtis Axel and return to the main roster as Joe Hennig.

                                                                                                                    #2 Dana Brooke

An impressive physique can’t disguise sub-par wrestling skills
Dana Brooke was given her shot at the main roster way too early. It’s easy for anyone who sees her in the ring to recognise that she’s much too inexperienced to be out in front of the WWE Universe week in and week out.
Her impressive physique has done little to disguise her lack of in-ring talent as well as her issues with promo material - be it as a heel sidekick to Charlotte or as a babyface. No one really cares about Brooke.
She undeniably has potential, though. With some more time spent at NXT, she can perfect her craft and return as one of the premiere attractions in a WWE Women's Division that is experiencing a Golden Age.

#1 Bo Dallas

Remember when Bo was championship material?
Bo Dallas used to be NXT Champion (280-day reigns; third longest in history) during his days at the developmental brand. Nowadays, he isn’t even seen on WWE programming, forget even being a jobber. Other NXT Champions include the likes of Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, and Kevin Owens. So, where did it all go wrong for Bo?
Well, the primary reasons include his terrible booking combined with a pretty ridiculous character. A trip back to developmental to develop a compelling character – much like what real life brother, Bray Wyatt, has done – is probably the best way to get this once promising career back on track. 

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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