Sunday, 30 April 2017

WWE Payback .April 30th 2017, Hardy Boyz (C) vs Cesaro and Sheamus (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)

By on April 30, 2017

WWE Payback 2017 Results April 30th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

A surprisingly good PPV!

Hardy Boyz (C) vs Cesaro and Sheamus (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)

Matt Hardy and Cesaro started us off. The two men started off a little tentatively before Jeff got tagged in. The Hardys hit the Poetry In Motion before Matt was legal again. Cesaro hit him with an uppercut and tagged Sheamus in.
Sheamus hit a rolling senton before tagging his partner back in. Cesaro hit a running elbow in the corner. Sheamus and Cesaro tried to isolate Matt but he tagged Jeff. Sheamus sent Jeff crashing out of the ring as Cesaro and Sheamus took control. They double-teamed Jeff before Sheamus hit a knee drop from the middle rope.
Jeff hit back with a jawbreaker and Sheamus replied with a nasty boot to the face, followed by a high-knee. Cesaro tagged himself back him and he hit a jumping leg drop. They kept rotating tags and working on Jeff before he finally made a tag.
Matt came in and was all over Cesaro, hitting him with a running elbow followed by a side-effect as things broke down. Jeff launched himself at Sheamus at ringside as Matt hit Cesaro with a bodyslam before missing a moonsault. Cesaro replied with his trademark Springboard Corkscrew Uppercut.
Cesaro then swung Matt Hardy around in the Cesaro Swing before Sheamus hit Matt with a White Noise from the middle rope. Jeff broke up the count at the last second. Matt went to hit Sheamus with a Twist of Fate but he countered with a DDT.
As Sheamus went to cover Matt, Jeff who had just tagged himself in, hit Sheamus with a Swanton Bomb to pin him.
Hardy Boyz def. Cesaro and Sheamus
After the match, as the Hardys celebrated, Sheamus and Cesaro attacked them and laid them out.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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